Renewable energy

Let's move together towards a greener future!

Solar panels for businesses

A guaranteed return on investment into a greener future

Green Energy

Choose 100% renewable energy for your business!

Generate your own electricity

Sell ​​the electricity produced to the electricity network!

Book a free consultation

Together we can find the best solutions to sustainably minimise your business energy costs. In addition to electricity and gas, we offer reasonable solutions for

  • electric car charging,
  • solar energy production and storage,
  • upgrading lighting systems,
  • flexible energy management.

Fill in the form and we will contact you within 2–3 business days.

Long-term wind power purchase agreement - a green and affordable choice

A long-term wind power purchase agreement is an innovative solution that helps to comfortably switch over to consuming renewable energy and to reduce electricity costs at the same time.

Choosing renewable energy gives you the opportunity to make your business more environmentally friendly and to know exactly in which Baltic wind farm the electricity is produced.

Virtual tours

Take a virtual tour at the Iru power plant

Circular economy is a strategically important direction for us – the Iru power plant produces energy from mixed municipal waste. We have prepared an exciting tour so that you can comfortably take a peek behind the scenes of our sustainable energy production.

Take a virtual tour at the Paldiski wind farm and solar park

Renewable energy production has become by far our most profitable field of activity - our wind farm and solar park play a significant role in this. We have prepared an exciting tour so that you can go on a ride on the wind turbine nacelle and on a walk at the solar park, the annual electricity output of which is equivalent to the average annual consumption of 300 Estonian households.

Using renewable energy sources preserves the environment

Enefit produces electricity and heat from wind, water, biomass, sun, but also from municipal waste, which we burn for energy instead of landfilling.

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